Currently I have a lot of fun to rebase some of my oldest miniatures with War of the Ring sized Multibases. I am sure that my technic will shock some players of WotR since I cannot remove the captain nor the banner bearer. However I don´t care about that. There will be Markers for this. For sure I will be able to put some single based miniatures, Saruman for instance, on the multibase. Far more important for me is, that …
Impetus phantasticus and War of the Ring Multibases
Currently I am working on Multibases for my Rohan and Isengart armies in order to have a nicer look when playing War of the Ring or Impetus Phantasticus. I always had the idea that wargaming in Middle Earth should be done with a couple of Dioramas with battle scenes. Therefore I rebased some of my oldest miniatures in Impetus style, but in the size of War of the Ring bases, which only differs by some millimetres. The idea of using …
Hungarian Recce troops – Csaba and Toldi platoons
This week I managed to finish the hungarian Recce troops. Some time ago I mentioned the paper masking airbrushing technic I used to spray the camo scheme. I am very happy with the finished troops. The tanks looks somewhat simple, but I would like to mention some special things in order to let you know how much work these tiny armoured vehicles were. First of all every turret was fixed with rare earth magnets to the chassis. Then I added …
Wargames Factory renders Orcs depicting an illustration by Angus McBride
In the german Sweetwater Forums, I read that Wargames Factory will design orcs. Murphy posteted a picture and DonVoss mentioned that the design reminds him of an Angus McBride Illustration. Wargames Factory notes: „Sculpture by Tim Barry. Artwork by Diego Gisbert Llorens“. Personally I think there is one reference missing: The Illustration from ICE´s Merp Supplement cover „Denizens of the dark wood“ by Angus McBride. The illustration by Diego Gisbert Llorens looks very exact like a compositon of two of …
Preparing for the Uryv Bridgehead
Currently I am working at my Mid War Ostfront hungarian company. At the very beginning of our campaign I will just be able to field a hungarian Tank company as painting an whole infantry company simply takes a lot of time. However my first games will see 7 38t tanks, 3 Panzer IV, 3 Panzer III, 3 Stuka, 2 Nimrod, an motorised infantry platton, and a 10,5 cm artillery battery. The force consists of elements which actually were present during …
Finished army: My Easterlings
This image in bigger size. It´s done, finally. I painted a War of the Ring army for really a long time, now I am really fed up with Easterlings having painted the last Hero Options for this army of Middle Earth. I want to start with this family picture, later on I will write an documentation article on this army on our LotR page. However I am quite happy with the result although I cannot stand the GW plastic bases …
Hungarian Panzer IV
In our upcoming campaingn there is already one thing for sure: The axis has to cope with a lot of russian tanks, since most club members start their force with a tankovy battaillion. I will have a game this week against 11 KV1s. Therefore I urgently need heavy gun options. The Panzer IV for sure is one option against heavy soviet tanks. I decided not to fix the gun barrels to the turret permanently but to use rare earth magnets …
Airbrushing sprayed camoflage with paper masks
Usually I do not care about WIP posts. Personally I do not like WIPs when they show miniatures besides the painting technic is somewhat special. However I decided to show you my Toldis and Csabas before they are finished, because I managed to airbrush a quite good 3 color camoflage. Frank Bauer and Lemming told me in the german Sweetwater Forums when they saw my Famo trucks, that the scale of the airbrushed camo is not right. For sure I …
Hungarian Artillery
This platoon has seen a somewhat funny story: I painted it in order to support either my hungarian tank company or motorised infantry. For sure artillery is important and the german 10,5 cm guns can provide a means against russian tanks in artillery bomardments. To field a hungarian platoon means, that you have to buy two blister guns, a hungarian artillery crew blister and the towing vehicles as well. A lot of money if you consider to field alternatively mortars …
Hungarian tank platoon (Harckocsizó platoon)
I managed to finish the core of my hungarian tank company. The core was not very hard in history. When the 1st armoured division fought at the river Don in 1942 their T-38G tanks were absolutely useless against most of the tanks the Sovjets threw at the hungarian controlled sector. The main gun was to weak to cope with T34 and for sure with KV1 tanks. The models are really tiny compared to other german Tanks, e.g. Panzer IV. However …