The birch ent is my next base for my Impetus Phantasticus Rohan army. I used the plastic set by Games Workshop, which is quite nice. However the paintjobs I have seen so far on this model looked very simple an I did not like the plastic leaves. Therefore I decided to paint a special tree, which I like very much – a birch. As a tiny detail I used a squirrel from the „Kleintierset“ by Busch, on which Massive Voodoo …
Fighting Uruk-hai Multibase for WotR or Impetus
Currently I have a lot of fun to rebase some of my oldest miniatures with War of the Ring sized Multibases. I am sure that my technic will shock some players of WotR since I cannot remove the captain nor the banner bearer. However I don´t care about that. There will be Markers for this. For sure I will be able to put some single based miniatures, Saruman for instance, on the multibase. Far more important for me is, that …
Impetus phantasticus and War of the Ring Multibases
Currently I am working on Multibases for my Rohan and Isengart armies in order to have a nicer look when playing War of the Ring or Impetus Phantasticus. I always had the idea that wargaming in Middle Earth should be done with a couple of Dioramas with battle scenes. Therefore I rebased some of my oldest miniatures in Impetus style, but in the size of War of the Ring bases, which only differs by some millimetres. The idea of using …
Finished army: My Easterlings
This image in bigger size. It´s done, finally. I painted a War of the Ring army for really a long time, now I am really fed up with Easterlings having painted the last Hero Options for this army of Middle Earth. I want to start with this family picture, later on I will write an documentation article on this army on our LotR page. However I am quite happy with the result although I cannot stand the GW plastic bases …
Rohan outriders for War of the Ring
I never mentioned the war (of the Ring) on unfinished armies, although I am a passionate fan of LotR. Currently I am revisiting Rohan and Isengard. In 2003 I started with both armies and built up an 500 Points LotR Skirmish army. Rohan got in the game weaker and weaker and I was not able to play them well, although a polish Rohan army did win the Grand Tournament in Nottingham 2009. However I wasn´t that successful with rohan. However …