This unit was painted for our Club´s presentation during Tactica 2013. It depicts the german knight Hartmut von Kronberg who earned money with robbery in the Area of Frankfurt am Main and Darmstadt. The basing is again for Impetus, Miniatures are designed by Perry Miniatures. The lances are flexible and were hand made by me. All banners were printed out and painted over. The tent was designed by me, I used various materials to design the master. This is actually …
Heavy Patrician Cavalry Weiß von Limpurg
For completing my Impetus Tournament army I painted another element of heavy cavalry. I have chosen a patrician family from Frankfurt Weiß von Limpurg and added many banners. The smaller banners were inspired by Frank Becker´s Lannister knights. The smaller banners were a fun to model. This time I modeled my own lances using plastic bristles from brooms with greenstuff added for the hand guards. These are flexible which is very important for transport and gaming. During the Tournament …
Knights of Kronberg – The Donkey Charge
Our Club´s annual presentation for this year´s Tactica Hamburg was the Feud of Kronberg, a medieval local conflict between Frankfurt and nearby living Knights of Kronberg. During the Battle of Eschborn 1389 the Kronberg Knights led a charge in against the troops of Frankfurt. There is a myth around this battle. It was told that one of the knights lost his destrier and desparetly searched for a mount in the area. Unfortunately he was only able to find a donkey …
Hand Gunners from Frankfurt
My club Spieltrieb Frankfurt presented a medieval Impetus game during the Hamburgian Tactica 2012. We showed a local setting where the citicens of Frankfurt fought in a feud against nearby operating robber-knights of Kronberg. Since the Perry twins did not have images of the miniatures in their story, I did not knew, that these models were that outstanding until I saw Antipater´s incredible beautiful Handgunners . He inspired my very much to quickly buy these models and add them to …
The Feud of Kronberg: Heavy Cavalry from Frankfurt
My second Impetus element for our club’s presentation for the next Tactica wargaming show is an element showing Johann, Herrmann, Henne and Siegfried von Holzhausen, all members of an mighty patrician family with their mercenaries. The family crest shows three roses on black. I designed the banners in order to look similar than the on the crest showed in the Dome of Frankfurt. My plan was to show the patricians on their way to the battlefield. Therefore I depicted a …
Kronberger Fehde – Infantry with polearms from Frankfurt
In our club we started recently to play Impetus, which has the very nice effect, that you can design diorama bases with your miniatures. I really love to collect that kind of army, interesting to know is, that there are guys out there, who play DBA with that kind of bases as well. However I do like the Impetus gameplay so far, since I do enjoy games, if they are surprising at some point. If I am a little bit …