Commenting on Stu´s Portees

Way back to 2005 Stu, a wargamer in New Zealand, started to paint his Portees. During that time is was painting a Commonwealth Flames of War force, too and I visited his great page on a regular basis. I really like Stu´s stuff and his opinion on our hobby. However a reason for me writing this comment on this blog is the fact, that I switched Unfinished armies to WordPress in order to communicate better with other hobby guys. Therefore …

About Unfinished Armies

Unfinished Armies is an private blog about wargaming in germany. The founders Tankred and Glorfunzel started some years ago with a different system, since then we had a couple of guests blogging on UA. Now we will start to talk about our different games, painting miniatures, building scenery, visiting events and reading in the web about our hobby. Tankred is member of the gaming club Spieltrieb Frankfurt and is running a LotR based website called Tabletop HdR. In 2012 we …

Battlestar Galactica – The Civilian Fleet Part 1

When I first saw the television show „Battlestar Galactica“ I was a little child. I loved the episodes and dreamed about reenacting the adventures of Apollo and Starbuck with miniatures. A few years ago I saw the re-imagined show and was really impressed that the series got even better than its parent. It is now my favorite television show an last year I started searching for tabletop miniatures of Battlestar Galactica. A few month ago I found the miniatures from …

Nimrod anti air tank

When collecting a force I especially like the models which are very typical and special for the force I paint. The hungarian army fielded some very individual models, one of them is the Nimrod, although it is an original swedish design built in licence in Hungary. However there the unique hungarian mixture is very interesting, therefore I startet with the Flak tank. Having airbrushed the hungarian Stukas gave me the skills to airbrush these tiny tank models. They came out …

Teutonic Winter War

Darrell Hindley shows us in this great article a demo game made by Gripping Beast and Comitatus Miniatures at Crisis. Very athmospheric gaming table. via

WW1: 6. Bayerisches Sturmregiment

My gaming club is currently preparing for a participation game at the annual german wargaming convention Tactica in Hamburg next year. We are going to present a Great War gaming table depicting the so called Kaiserschlacht in 1918. We preparing a 28mm gaming table showing a trench which is manned by the Ulster Division and attacked by the 6th bavarian Sturmregiment. I decided to paint miniatures and vignettes for this project. Therefore I am working on color schemes and dirt, …

Images from Military Museum in Budapest

I would like to share some pictures I made in the Hungarian National Military Museum (Hadtörténeti Múzeum) in Budapest. I visit the museum on a regular basis since my wife is from Budapest and we visit this beautiful town often. The museum is one of my favourite places there. The presentation is a little bit old fashioned, but you get quite a lot of information about all epoches of hungarian warfare. The second world war is looked at in four …

Fallschirmjäger Pionier Zug

Now I am very close to have a finished army, although this blog has a different name. The Fallschirmjägerpioniere will only be followed by one complete platoon and maybe another 6 flamethrower teams. For sure there is one single option more which could be added after I model a light mortar team which is the mountain gun platoon. The values were changed in North Africa so the Fallschirmjäger artillery is now an option worth painting. However I am very pleased …

Two houses for Rebellion

Two years ago I bought from Ebob this two houses for my Rebellion gaming table. Have a look! 😉 The big cottage and some English soldiers The main building The tool shed The small building The buildings are made of some foam. The only thing you have to do is to paint it properly and flock it with some gras and foliage. I plan to add a vegetable garden in the small yard of the big building and maybe some …

Tunesian Village

I just made some photos of my new Tunesian Village for Flames of War and want to share them with you. The complete village Some small buildings A two-storied building with a courtyard and small building with a dome Another two-storied building A mosque I bought the models 2007 on the Salute Convention from Kerr & King. Assembling the models was very easy. You only need some glue and a bit putty for some gaps. The modelkits allow you to …