Way back our club Spieltrieb Frankfurt presented a WW1 game on the german Wargamingshow Tactica. I painted some additional models since we plan to play „Through the mud and the blood“ by too fat Lardies. Once I painted the new models I was tired about my green background which was not appropriate for the historical background of the late war models. Therefore I created four elements for picturing my models: A background print, which is a colored version of an …
Games Day 2013
Wir waren mit vier Herr der Ringe Hobbyfreunden auf dem Games Day und haben die HdR Community präsentiert. Beim Mittagessen haben wir etwas mit der Hobbitbrille auf den Games Day geschaut.
Nicht mein Maßstab
Darüber sinnieren wir mit unseren Gästen Tellus und Antipater.
The Hobbit – Goblins
After I painted my first Goblin from the Goblin King Box by GW, Finarfin showed his colorful versions of the Goblins. This was an eye opener for me. Before that point I headed for darker and dirtier versions than those which could be seen in the movie. Personally I did not like the Games Workshop paint job as I found them to clean and to light. Finarfin showed the quality of the miniature design by simply adding Orc colors – …
Spieltrieb Feud – Heavy Cavalry First Element
This is my first Impetus element for our upcoming club campaign game for the german feudal medieval era. I have chosen the outstanding Legio Heroica miniatures. Much inspiration for the whole project came from Antipater´s Konradin army. I am very happy that my gaming club Spieltrieb Frankfurt decided to play Impetus in 15mm on a regular basis in order to have another common gaming system available to most members. FoW is still our basis, but we wanted to add more …
Faszination Wargaming
Wir beschäftigen uns mit der Faszination des Wargamings und ergründen, was insbesondere Männer an diesem Thema hängen bleiben lässt.
Hartmut von Kronberg
This unit was painted for our Club´s presentation during Tactica 2013. It depicts the german knight Hartmut von Kronberg who earned money with robbery in the Area of Frankfurt am Main and Darmstadt. The basing is again for Impetus, Miniatures are designed by Perry Miniatures. The lances are flexible and were hand made by me. All banners were printed out and painted over. The tent was designed by me, I used various materials to design the master. This is actually …
Container and Boxes for SciFi
During Tactica 2013 (see my Tactica image gallery on our club page here) I bought some very nice boxes and a container from Pardulon Models. For years I searched a reason for buying some of this great stuff but I lacked a gaming system which fitted. Pardulon provides models for Fantasy in WH style, for post apocalyptic games, for modern settings and for SciFi settings. None of them are played right now. However I started to play the RPG Shadowrun …
…und die Moral von der Geschicht.
Wenn Krieg gespielt wird geschieht das in manchen Fällen mit einem latent schlechten Gewissen. Wir erörtern, warum das so ist und was man dagegen tun kann.
Frankfurter Schule
Wir erklären, wie wir uns die Etikette am Spieltisch vorstellen, warum das Frankfurter Schule heißt und geben Tipps zum effizienten Bemalen.