During Tactica 2013 (see my Tactica image gallery on our club page here) I bought some very nice boxes and a container from Pardulon Models. For years I searched a reason for buying some of this great stuff but I lacked a gaming system which fitted. Pardulon provides models for Fantasy in WH style, for post apocalyptic games, for modern settings and for SciFi settings. None of them are played right now. However I started to play the RPG Shadowrun …
Battlestar Galactica – The Battlestars
In my last Blog-Post I introduced my civilian fleet. For a fan of the television series it was a big challenge for me to paint the Battlestars and Basestars. For the paintjob I used Vallejo Gun Metal in a 2:1 mix with different highlights from Vallejo German Grey to Vallejo Cold Grey and Vallejo Stonewall Grey. The models were easy to paint and I finished all 4 models on the same afternoon. I hope you like them. The model dimensions: …
Battlestar Galactica – The Civilian Fleet Part 1
When I first saw the television show „Battlestar Galactica“ I was a little child. I loved the episodes and dreamed about reenacting the adventures of Apollo and Starbuck with miniatures. A few years ago I saw the re-imagined show and was really impressed that the series got even better than its parent. It is now my favorite television show an last year I started searching for tabletop miniatures of Battlestar Galactica. A few month ago I found the miniatures from …