Currently we play Fow with Thomas, Jonas, Martin and me in the club. Finnish and Fallschirmjäger vs. TwoTankovy Companies.
Comments 2
I had to played a game on this table to fully appreciate it. The rolling, wavy hills make for a cinematic, „realistic“ game. Lots of looking over troops from hills, hull-down tanks, infantry hordes streaming over a hillcrest. All of that situations don’t happen on the typical 40K hills with steps and terraces.
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Comments 2
I had to played a game on this table to fully appreciate it. The rolling, wavy hills make for a cinematic, „realistic“ game. Lots of looking over troops from hills, hull-down tanks, infantry hordes streaming over a hillcrest. All of that situations don’t happen on the typical 40K hills with steps and terraces.
Whoa, those tables are gorgeous!