Dwarf conversions: Lugdhuk shows on La Guerra del Anillo nice dwarv conversions for artillery and command models. 1:87 Movie inspired Dioramas (tipp by Trollbock): No Country for small men by Florian Tremp. Diorama: Kevin Dallimore shows his excellent Diorama „The Hound“. Impetus basing: I really love this late Roman cavalry by Ansbachdragoner prepared for the usage with the Ipetus rules.
What I like today #9
Photoshopped: Russian Fotographer combines WWII Pictures with modern ones. (via Fefes Blog). Fallschirmjäger: Axebreaker´s new WWII models and thoughts on Camoflage wear. Natural wall painting: Ellandan´s murals with fencing. Basic Impetus gameplay and look: Saxon Dog shows this wonderful game pictures on the crusades. This stuff really thrills me!!
What I like today
Plastic Viking review: Neldoreth wrote an great review on Gripping Beast and Warlord games plastic Viking miniatures. Events: yesthatphil visited the Festival of history and shows modern coverage and English Civil War stuff. Great pictures and videos. Scenery: Frank Becker presents his excellent Pegasus Bridge Gaming table using lasered models by Jens Najewitz.
What I like today
Parking lot gaming tables: Zac rants about GW 40K gaming tables. He is absolutely right. Aber sowas von (emphasis for our german readers). Don´t miss his finding on infantile gaming style here. Water Effects: Massive Voodoo has an very nice article on water effects. Song of Samurai…: Frank Becker is working on a Samurai setting for „A song of blades and heroes“. 15mm scenery: lewchips made a wonderful 15 mm dark age village terrain piece.
What I like today
German Eastern Front Fortifications: Excellent Website article on german bunkers, dug outs and security concepts. Eastern Front Pictures Impressive Picture Gallery made by a tank artillery regiment. Zombietown: If you ever planned to build a Zombie game table you definetly should visit Zombietown! It reminds me of Grimm´s atomic cafe, which should be appreciated too!
What I like today
Scenery Cianty has a nice post on model supplies for furniture, markets and inn signs in 28 mm. Tree Tutorial Frank Bauer did an excellent Tree tutorial in german. However pictures should help you to understand the tutorial, I can help if you guys have questions. By the way Frank used the italian Houses Rusus and I designed in 15mm. Science Fiction terrain Rémi Bostal did post marveless pictures showing alien minatures in his scenery. Painting Knights Antipater continued with …
What I like today
Scenery Rémi posted some new photos of his Science Fiction Terrain. Absolute superb! Normandy 1944 „The Big Picture“ of the Boston Post shows a really impressive Picture show of the D-Day 66 years ago.
What I like today
Please find attached my recommended reading for today: Spodding Dargorlad did carve a pillar just using Geboom´s dental plaster technic. Tabletop Terrain Stu did finish his carthagian 15mm DBA army. Really good stuff and a high discipline to finish that old projects. The Hobbit Del Toro´s good bye. Incredible Miniature Collection: The Ron Ringrose Collection
Chevalier de la terres Carriers and 6pdrs
For quite a while I am visiting Chevalier de la terres Blog, Crac de Chevaliers, on a regular basis. His clean and colourful painting style on 15mm Flames of war miniatures is really amazing. Currently he upped Pictures of his Carriers and 6pdrs. Again these are wonderful arranged, in a very smooth painting job, coming with excellent stowage and additional MGs. I really wonder how smooth the models are. Chevalier is more precise than the models are. I wonder how …
Dagorlad´s new gaming board „Jurassic Reich“ is finished
Dagorlad, the man behind One Ring, is working for quite a while on a really outstanding gaming table: Jurassic Reich. I followed his efforts for quite a while and now he has finished the gaming table. What I really love about the table is that Dagorlad really managed to understand german medival architecture and bring this to live in his model. The castle, or german Burg, is beautiful and moreover looks exacly like in all those war movies with castles …