Wenn Wraith ruft, folgen die SAGA-Spieler einmal mehr und sammeln sich zum Holmgang in Mutterstadt. Mit 16 Startern war das Feld in diesem Jahr aufgrund von diversen kurzfristigen Absagen zwar etwas kleiner, allerdings waren einige Neueinsteiger sowohl für SAGA als auch für Turniere am Start. Das freute mich sehr, zeigt es doch, dass neue Leute ins Hobby finden können. Besonderen Augenmerk legt Wraith auf die Szenarien, die auch in diesem Jahr individuell angepasst und ganz im SAGA Stil waren. Für …
Pilgrims of the first Crusade
With the publication of SAGA Crescent & Cross plans erose to beef up my Norman SAGA armie with some Crusader elements. First addition are the pilgrims. I have chosen to paint armed and umarmed pilgrims and some models from other blisters of the Perry Crusader range. It was important to me to depict them as strange group of people with various backgrounds including some, who own at least a shield and a spear and some who just carry a sleeping …
The Hobbit – Goblins
After I painted my first Goblin from the Goblin King Box by GW, Finarfin showed his colorful versions of the Goblins. This was an eye opener for me. Before that point I headed for darker and dirtier versions than those which could be seen in the movie. Personally I did not like the Games Workshop paint job as I found them to clean and to light. Finarfin showed the quality of the miniature design by simply adding Orc colors – …
Norman conquering infantry for SAGA
I rebased these norman infantry with kite shields in order to build the backbone of my SAGA warband. Unfortunately the battleboard focusses on bowmen and cavalry, what a pity that I have so much spearmen. But on the other hand I have beautiful miniatures to take pictures with. During finalizing these miniatures the worst case of all painters took place: I took by accident the paint can instead of the varnish can. After that mistake I reduced the brown spray …
Norman Knights
At the Beginning of the year I played SAGA with Wraith and really liked it. This was an excellent excuse to paint some more of the Norman knights. These models are part of my basing nemesis. Initially they were based for Warhammer Historical, but I did not really fell in love with either the basing and the system. Now I painted them including a model which depicts my Alter Ego Tankred of Tarent with some modifications to make him …