Goblin King Goblins painted by Tankred

The Hobbit – Goblins

After I painted my first Goblin from the Goblin King Box by GW, Finarfin showed his colorful versions of the Goblins. This was an eye opener for me. Before that point I headed for darker and dirtier versions than those which could be seen in the movie. Personally I did not like the Games Workshop paint job as I found them to clean and to light. Finarfin showed the quality of the miniature design by simply adding Orc colors – and I mean Tolkien orc colors.

These four version were painted by me recently because Glorfunzel and me played a game of LotR SAGA with lists from Frank Becker. This is really a fun to play and so those miniatures came again in my mind.

The Hobbit - Goblins - Miniatures by Games Workshop painted by Tankred

The Hobbit - Goblins - Miniatures by Games Workshop painted by Tankred

Comments 2

  1. Die Goblins sehen unglaublich gut aus! Am besten gefällt mir der Gesichtsausdruck des zweiten Burschen von rechts.

    Die könnten eigentlich bei der nächsten Gelegenheit mal gegen meine Erebor Zwerge antreten 😉


  2. Sehr schön! Danke nochmals für die Einladung, war sehr nett gestern. Ich habe noch Euren Keller zu sehen bekommen, sehr eindrucksvoll!
    Sind die Zwillinge schon da? 🙂


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